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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Testing Instructions Organoleptik

The Tests organoleptik
Is a way of using the human senses for power measurement of food acceptance of

To identify:
- Looked
- Smell
- Taste
- Consistency

• Test Organoleptik need to be subjective, so the standard method in the implementation of

• Standards used:
Scoring test
scale 1 (lowest value) s / d 9 (highest)
rejection limit ≤ 5
scale of numbers and specifications listed in the Score Sheet and panel Organoleptik
provide direct assessment of the score
sheet is


• Laboratories must be quiet location and free of pollution
• Space divided test 2: taster room and kitchen
• Number of room according to the number of panel
• Air-equipped testing rooms and Exhauster
• The sun's rays or artificial light with the intensity 30-50 food candles
• Table test of hard materials, heat resistant and easily cleaned surface
• Floor waterproof, easily cleaned and quick dry
• walls be painted neutral colors
• Channels eligible disposal sanitation and Hygiene

• Tables and chairs the
• sink equipped with soap and towel
• Place garbage was closed
• Tissue plain non Perfume
• weighing, pH meter, and thermometer
• Fully equipped, electric stove, exhauster, and fire extinguisher
• Poci porcelain, glass, plates, spoons and forks
• Buckets, close to the tray, and a knife talenan
• Box and table fish insulasi plastic
• Air travel is rust resistant, heat resistant and does not flake off
• Tools - stationery

• panel are not hungry
• Time between the hours of 09.00 s / d between 11:00 and
14:00 hours until 16:00 or according to local customs
• Decision value: 5-10 minutes after the examination


• Standard panel is a tool in the test determines the quality organoleptik
• Expertise menera quality assurance is a panel of accuracy in testing organoleptik
• panel must be experienced and sensitive to changes and development of product quality attributes
• By using the panel the number of trained panel is needed to test a product to be more effective and efficient

There are 2 Phase:
1. Phase pengkaderan (Indonesia said) for new panel
2. Stage it for long panel

• trained panel is selected through the selection and training is given regularly for more about the procedures and test methods

• Exercise also aims to improve the panel's ability to recognize and identify the attributes organoleptik and heighten sensitivity panel to be more carefully
and consistent in decision making

A. Collecting data.

• In organoleptik test, the quality attributes tested include: taste , Looked, texture / consistency, odor / aroma, and flavor / taste
• Lempira with the disposition / response from the other panel to be about the product.
• Score sheet given at the example presented, the score sheet when it is done directly as well.

B. Analysis of data.

• Data in the score sheet from the panel tabulation.
• Cost of quality is determined by looking for average results of each panel on therapy beliefs 95%, meaning the value of average quality that the possible errors of only 5%.
• To get the value of the lapse of the average quality of each panels the required formula.

Test Results Table Organoleptik Frozen Fish
Sought from the table above the average value and standard deviation as follows:

P (X - 1.96 x S <μ <μ <6.08>


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