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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Be Healthy with Rosulullah method

1. Always wake up before shubuh
As Rosulullah said, "praying shubuh on time better than the world and all its contents" (Al-hadist). Benefits of the body is healthy, smart brain, of the field and get the goodness of the world and the Hereafter

2. On maintaining the cleanliness
He always still keep garments clean and neat. There have been spots of black or yellow on His bandana, gamisnya are always clean, even though he did not just have two more copies. He recommend to maintain dental health. He said, "tooth brush repeatedly, because it clears the mouth of God and be loved", because cleanliness is a part of faith

3. Never eat a lot
Rosulullah said "We are a people who will not feel hungry before meals and when we eat is never satiate Once a year Muslims are required to fast not only to achieve god fearing, but also Rosulullah saaid Prophet, "that you fasting healthy your body" (HR. Buchari)

4. Like walking
He cite his walk to visit Baqi 'about 3 kilometers from the center of Medina, both at the time of the heat and the night. He does not like spoiled life

5 Not ill-natured
. Who does not hotheaded will be peace heart. Therefore, anyone who would like to advice, let as Prophet. If you feel anger arising, immediately removed with:
- Change the movement, if angry when standing should sit directly
- Flee wudhu
- A two-Sunnah prayers rakaat

6. Always be optimistic and never despair
How great the difficulties he experienced during launch propaganda in Makkah In the midst of the difficulties that the more convoluted, in the first three years, he only get 13 people pursuer, but he remains optimistic

7. Never envy
We as Muslims be allowed only two things in envy. Sabda Apostle, "Not may be jealous, except in two things. First, for those who have wealth and wealth is used to enforce the Haq. Second, to those who have knowledge and diligently to spread the knowledge of the people" (HR. Buchari)


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